Who am I, really, beneath all the layers of mixed-up messaging I've internalized through the years?
Anchored lit the path to Truth and Jodi has been a safe companion for the journey.
I am chosen! Beloved! And designed to love as He loves. - Monique
The Anchored day workshop has been life-changing for my daughter and I. We have gained tools that helped with our communication, so there are less hurts and I can make sure she is feeling heard.It has also deepened our relationship to a point that we do not take each other for granted. The Anchored workshop also helped us see the lies we were believing to begin the work of releasing those so that we can live more fully knowing who we are. - Heather
“ This study was a blessing that I didn’t know I needed. Walking through Anchored challenged me to realign how I am approaching life and who I am allowing to influence my life with who God says I am and what his promises are for me. Through this, I came to both better understand my story and appreciate who I am more genuinely. I am so thankful for Jodi’s mentorship, wisdom, and loving heart in it all.
It was an irreplaceable experience."-Britney
What is Anchored?
Have you ever wondered why you love Jesus but life still sucks?
I have the answer for you. Your struggle is in your story. For most people, that story defines your life. It can also help you understand why you think and feel like you do.
You are created in three parts: body, soul, and spirit. Saying "Yes" to Jesus, causes your spirit to awaken to the light and path. Your identity is defined by who God says you are through the Word and your intimate relationship with Him.
However, your soul needs to go through refining, to become like Jesus. You see, as a child, without the continual presence of a loving, consistent, attuned caregiver, we often don't develop the capacity to be able to handle simple things in life…simply because life in itself can be overwhelming. Because of this, we begin to believe lies about ourselves and our stories. Old thoughts and patterns need to be neurologically rewired so that your belief system becomes defined by King Jesus. This rewiring helps to rewrite your story.
Self-Worth and Kingdom identity are the foundations of who you are as a human being. It forms your life story and plays a role in each decision you make and every relationship you have. It helps sustain you through difficult times and helps you experience authentic joy and love!
We will take a deep dive into helping you learn about the lies and messages you may be believing about yourself that prevent you from living out your worth in Christ. Come prepared with the courage to learn the truth about yourself...that you have immeasurable value and are so very precious. Be ready for lasting change!
Anchored Workshop Testimonial ... I attended the workshop with you and the many girls in the family. It was truly amazing! I was a little unsure at first feeling like we would all have little thoughts that we would still want to keep hidden away. However, my daughter and granddaughter spoke so highly of you that I decided to trust the process. (I was afraid because my shortcomings as a mother impacted all of them and that is all I focused on) You Did such a great job gently leading and drawing us all out in such a safe way that I, and I believe the others, felt it and was able to also lean into the process. Between your sharing, gentleness, and hands-on activities, I was able to start the process of thinking through the past, healing, and looking forward to the future without all the guilt and shame that kept me stuck for so long! Thank you, thank you for the tools that you taught me that day. You are a blessing. - Cindy
Testimonial... I wanted to thank you again for walking me through my awareness of my relationship with David
God is SO gentle and loving to us, isn’t He?! This morning He is showing me that I have been “unwilling “ in areas of my life....especially in parenting my adopted kids... it’s a lot easier to ignore your unwillingness with your biological kids because they don’t know you any differently
However, with adoption, you really can’t expect the same. You are as new to them as they are to you. It’s SO easy to blame the kids’ trauma for all of your relationship chaos... instead, I really believe that God uses these precious special children to show us a truer reflection of our own state of being and our hearts. The enemy really wanted me to live in shame yesterday. Blaming myself for not being good enough! Not today!! Thank you for your guidance and love
Testimonial... Anchored has changed my life in so many ways. I know that God loves me for who I am, I know that God has brought many wonderful people into my life, to help guide me, to help me understand my story, my path, and giving me Grace, and Mercy along the way. I recommend Anchored, to all that are struggling, mentally and emotionally! It has made a definite difference in my life, my adult children and my grandchildrens lives. -Tammy
Anchored is a 10-week course to redefine your Self-Worth and identity as a child of God.
If you are interested in a group session Anchored can be presented in an overview in a 1-day training or weekend retreat.
Once the course is completed ongoing coaching is available to support your newly defined worth and identity as a child of the King by:
Creating new thoughts patterns
Implementing boundaries
Forming new habits
Redefining your values
Understanding how to combat spiritual warfare
Material presented with Anchored, a Bible study on self-worth by Cindy Lee.
My first introduction to Anchored was through a friend who had invited my mother and I to a workshop that focused on generational patterns and lies that we had come to believe. It was certainly unnerving to think of being honest with my mother about the things I had come to believe(aka: lies) that I had picked up from her, but in a safe space, surrounded by women driven to heal, my journey started.
Jodi, who led the group, guided us through different exercises, but one impacted my relationship with my mom the most; we learned to “Empty the Trash Can. It was a concept simple enough that I could grasp it, even when I was reeling with emotions. The exercise walked us through how we were feeling, how to be heard by another person and how to be validated. Empty the Trash Can went deeper than hearing how other people felt, it dove into the lies that came up through the exercise, and we worked those lies back to the truth as it is written in the Bible. Although it was long enough ago that I cannot recall what specific lie we looked to the Bible to debunk, I remember the words of the Bible being spoken over me, calming my mind as I listened to the truth, and the women who were there to listen intently as I bared a vulnerable part of myself.
Later, we set down the work and came together to eat dinner. We shared more of our current lives, and how we had come to find this workshop, and simultaneously began to build crowns. To me, my crown symbolized my place as YHWH’s daughter, and it reminded me of being a child—a child who leaned on her father for help, and knew who was watching out for her as she walked through life. I still have that crown, and whenever I look at it, I still feel a part of my heart soften as I remember who I want to be, and how I strive to be a child who remembers to lean on her God.
I didn’t expect to meet Jodi again, but there was a time in my life when everything on the inside had become imbalanced, and the biggest deficit was my faith. My mother facilitated a meeting between Jodi and I, which was when we sat down in a Culver’s Ice Cream shop and started talking. After our first interaction at the workshop, I had already built a foundation of trust with Jodi, and this convinced me that I could confide in her. In our first one-on-one hour, Jodi encouraged me to start by unpacking the weight I was carrying. She was patient and listened to everything I needed to share with her. It was easy to see that she let me set the agenda and used what I shared to guide her to understand where I needed healing.
I specifically remembered us talking about how hard it was for me to make eye contact and that for me, it was because I both struggled to share what I had experienced, and I struggled to trust her. Jodi’s patience with me seemed endless as she held my hands and continued to be her authentic self and continued to make eye contact with me. This became an interesting tool and a benchmark as we walked through my journey. As I healed some of my hurts, and learned new tools, I had begun to recognize that I could go through an entire session with Jodi and feel content with how I connected with her through my eye contact while we talked, and I attribute this to my healing and the work I had put into learning new habits.
Jodi walked me through Anchored, where we unpacked the lies that had been woven into my story, and I learned how to give them to Yeshua. She helped me understand how to find the truth in the Bible, and how to apply it to other areas of my life. We worked through the past and present and learned how symptoms of my present dysregulation were connected to past events. The work we were doing resulted in me learning boundaries and how to balance the ones that needed to be upheld, and which ones could be a little flexible.
Jodi and I worked together for three years, and in the fourth year, I realized that she had taught me all the tools that I would gain, for the time being. In our last few meetings, I would bring something big and overwhelming to Jodi, and with the tools I had learned, I always end up finding the way to my own answer. Jodi had enabled me to be independent and taught me how to share what I had learned with others. Although I have stepped out of the one-on-one sessions, I know that the tools will continue to be relevant in my life, and that the journey will continue until I meet my creator.